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“Who Else Wants 3 Days of Amazing Inspiration, Idea Generation, Camaraderie, and Fun?”

Dear Friend:

Have you heard about the PHENOMENAL past Earn1KADay events?

Or are you just extremely lucky to be on the right page at the right time?

Either way… Earn1KADay seminars ROCK.

  • Never-before-seen presentations? Check.
  • Under-the-radar speakers who lay it ALL on the line? Check.
  • Cutting-edge secrets whispered in the non-recorded mastermind? Check.
  • Supportive community of people who really care about one another? Check.
  • Connections that can easily add multiple zeroes to your yearly income? Check.

But don’t take our word for it…

“The best internet marketing seminar I’ve ever attended… and I’ve been to a few!”

“The 2011 Earn 1K a day seminar was hands down the best internet marketing seminar I have ever attended – and I’ve been to a few!

My IM business has been struggling and as a result I’ve lacked focus, direction and the will to carry on with it. Then I went to the seminar… I came away with some great ideas and totally managed to re-focus my whole IM business, getting clarity on what I should be doing, why I should be doing it and how to do it. I can’t say that the seminar saved my IM business, but it was a huge step towards it!! Thank you Dennis.

Steve Dolan

“In a nutshell…wow!”

My head is still spinning as I sat on the return flight from the 2012 Earn1KaDay seminar, and pondered all the possibilities for the next few months.

The content covered so many bases and answered all of my questions and then some. But most importantly, it shattered so many limiting beliefs that I know have been holding me back for years.

Ben Mannino

“The 2012 seminar in Vegas will go down in my memory as one of the greatest weekends of my life since coming online.”

I only wish I had known about Dennis and this group when I was starting back in 2006. The lonely days and financial struggles were so difficult to face on my own. There was no social media back then, so it was truly a life of solitude.

I intend to pay my success forward for the remainder of my life, and that includes reaching out to everyone her.

Connie Ragen Green

Those are just a few… MANY people said this was the best event they’d ever attended.

You see… the information shared here… the connections… and the partnerships that were created from this event created thousands of extra dollars.

So bottom line is… if you’ve never been to an Internet marketer’s networking event before… or if you have… this is the one to go to.

Networking events like this don’t come along every day of the week, but when they do, make no mistake about it…

You’re looking at the #1 high leverage activity you could take to up-level your business.

If You’re Looking For A “Shortcut” To Success… This Is Your Golden Opportunity!

Yes, you’ll have the opportunity to learn a lot that you don’t already know, that goes without saying, but that’s not important.

Yes, you’ll have a lot of fun, in a surrounding that’s awesome, but that’s also not important.

This is your opportunity to not only meet some of the top movers and shakers on the Internet as well as dozens of others that are currently rising stars or under the radar successes in their own rights… shake hands, have lunch or dinner or a drink, and talk, one on one, ask questions, no holds barred, like never before.

Can you put a price on that?

You can get all the information you need… and all the help you could possibly want….in ONE power-packed weekend.

And that’s a FACT.

This is for three MAJOR reasons:

If you’ve been struggling up until now, it makes total sense. Truth is, it’s not your fault. You’re being pummeled every hour (sometimes every minute) by the newest bright shiny object “guaranteed” to help you earn money online.

How can you ever possibly focus if new things are thrown at you ALL THE TIME?

The answer is, you can’t.

Sometimes you just need to get away, expose yourself to new ideas, get a fresh insight to enable yourself to truly think outside the box, before you can move forward.

Let’s face it… nobody is great at EVERYTHING. But the good news is that other people are AWESOME at your weaknesses. And vice versa. And by going to an event filled with QUALITY attendees, you’ll have your pick of who can help you out.

You could find incredible business partners, or people who will simply take an hour out to help you… or people who may open up their rolodexes and tell you about their highest caliber people they outsource to.

When you’re talking to someone in person, they are MUCH more likely to want to do everything they can to help you. Let’s face it: in person connections will beat the computer out any day of the week (and twice on Sunday).

You know the saying, “Rich people don’t take advice from broke people”? It makes a lot of sense.

If you’re trying to do well online, wouldn’t it make sense to listen to people who have actually DONE it? I certainly think so.

And when you lock yourself in a room with some of the internet’s best and brightest… you’re guaranteed to walk away with extremely profitable tips and tricks.

(And you’ll even be able to ask YOUR specific questions and learn right from the horse’s mouth!).

It comes down to one simple truth -

NOTHING Will Supercharge Your Success
Like An In-Person Event… Period.

In fact, studies have shown that the world’s “luckiest” people all have one major thing in common: they TALK to people. And even if you’re wildly introverted (I am too), I will put money on the fact that your talking to people will be the catalyst for your success.

The reason for this is simple: every opportunity you’ll ever come across HAS to come from another person.

It makes sense, right? You’ll have to meet JV partners if you want them to mail for you. You’ll have to meet top-notch marketers if you want laser coaching. You’ll have to meet peers if you want to eventually get introduced to other people, etc. etc. etc… EVERYTHING comes from other people.

If you get nothing else from this letter, I REALLY hope that comes across crystal clear.

Meeting people is CRUCIAL.

And at our particular event – the Earn1KADay Seminar (which is for members and nonmembers alike) – the room is FILLED with people who “get” you. It is extremely easy to speak to people here because we’re all very similar (despite having different strengths and weaknesses).

Here’s What More People Say:

“…Should Be Making Cash Within 30 Days!”

“…I just wanted to thank all of you and the attendees for so openly sharing your strategies at the Summer 2011 E1KAD Seminar in Las Vegas.

I am combining 3 of the seminar lessons into one business model as I write this and should be making cash within 30 days.

You were all great and totally reachable.

Seems like the presenters spent as much time after the conference with the attendees as during the actual sessions.

Again, thank you all for a great Seminar.”

Peter Soos

“By Far And Away The Most Important And Valuable Seminar… I Have Attended…”

“As I told you, this was by far and away the most important and valuable seminar that Steve and I have attended in the IM arena – and we’ve been to plenty.

I especially appreciated the Friday Mastermind session. It was an excellent opportunity to get to know other attendees better and to get lots and lots of questions answered on a variety of topics. The size of the event was also a real bonus for us because it allowed for us to connect with the speakers as well, during breaks, lunch and the Friday night meet and greet.

I couldn’t help but notice the last part of your email: “I’m looking forward to next year’s seminar, I hope you can be there”!

Both Steve and I are very glad that you’ve made the “formal” decision to host another seminar next year and we’re looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas next year<LOL>!!!

Thanks again and you’re more than welcome to use any or part of this email as a testimonial.


Jerolyn Dolan

You’re Going To Learn SO MUCH
Business-Building Information!

We make our speakers swear up and down to give you KILLER content. And here’s the lineup we put together this year (subject to change, but the speakers below have committed to appear):

Jason Fladlien

Jason Fladlien went from a $12 an hour house painter to a $117,000 a month Internet marketer in less than three years. He specializes in giving “streamlined, action-able content” which means he is light on theory and heavy on step by step application.

He is a dynamic speaker whose voice tonality and delivery is so engaging, he has been compared by many as “the next Tony Robbins”.

At the young age of 27, Jason has spoken on stage nation-wide and been invited to speak internationally as well. He has a following of over 31,000+ customers and clients online which he has amassed in three short years.

One thing you’ll discover when listening to Jason is his focus on creating a system to get a desired result in the shortest amount of time. In fact, to his inner circle of personal coaching clients, he is known as a productivity and time management whiz kid.

He has the ability to master complex business skills in hours or even minutes, and has the equally valuable ability of teaching others to do the same thing.

Jason resides in Iowa City, Iowa where in his spare time he plays chess, writes music and follows Iowa Hawkeye wrestling.

Topic Title: Selling in 2014

Jason Fladlien walks you through how to sell one on one, one to few, one to many, in print, through video sales letters and more. Nobody likes to sell and most tend to avoid it, but if you can be one of the few that embrace it, you win. Plain and simple.

Jason will share with you his best closes, what doesn’t work that is taught by popular sales trainers, and also the super advanced, sneaky stuff that no one is aware of.

Selling is the single greatest skill you can master if you want to make money online, and that’s exactly what you’ll be able to do when you listen in on this session.

Wil Mattos

Wilson Mattos has over 19 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. Throughout his career, he has worked with numerous Fortune 1000 companies to help accelerate the adoption of technology solutions to provide competitive advantage in the marketplace. Based on his experience, Wilson brings a unique perspective to the Internet Marketing space. Wilson started his first Internet-based business, a web hosting company, in 1994. He is currently focused on developing software and information products. He is passionate about teaching and helping others succeed. He also loves technology and cool gadgets!

Wilson holds a Masters Degree from Pepperdine University, Graziadio School of Business and Management. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife and son.

Barb Ling

Barbara Ling is an energetic 17 year Veteran Internet Marketer who specializes in making things *simple*. A maverick entrepreneur, she currently clears over 25K/month via eMail marketing and Authority Building while simultaneously raising 4 kids, 2 mooses, a flock of Twitter Budgies and her Better Half.

Barbara’s most popular “knack” in marketing is taking any technique imaginable and transforming it into something even newbies can benefit from. She firmly believes that *anyone* can achieve success online if they follow her “The Law Of Pro-Action” and give themselves permission to take *ownership* of their future.

Barbara currently runs the extremely popular group Perking Up Profits on Facebook where people are encouraged to grow their authority and business online. In addition, she has been known to appreciate coffee every now and then.

Topic Title: The Art of Templates

Money loves speed…. and templates increase your speed in ways you never considered! Barbara Ling can create a targeted niche membership site in 30 minutes and a quality niche report in less time than it takes to visit your local Starbucks for your favorite brew. She’ll show you how to streamline ALL of your funnels – your products, your customer care followups, your graphics and more!

Connie Ragen Green

Connie Ragen Green is a former classroom teacher and real estate appraiser who left it all behind to come online in 2006. After struggling with the technology and the writing during her first year, Connie finally put the pieces together and was able to replace her previous income within the first 18 months of being online, now earning more than seven times as much as she did in the olden days.

Starting with affiliate marketing, moving on to information product creation, and now employing eight different streams of online income, Connie is dedicated to working with new online entrepreneurs in their quest to change their lives and work from wherever they have an Internet connection. She keeps everything simple, and attributes this to her great success and the success of her students.

Connie is the bestselling author of eight books, is a sought after speaker and trainer, and lives in both Santa Barbara and Santa Clarita, California. She travels extensively to exotic locations around the world, and volunteers her time with a variety of charities and non-profit organizations to help people in need.

Topic Title: Keeping It Simple Online In An Ever-Changing And Complex World

Connie Ragen Green will share how to build a lucrative online business by sticking with the basics.

Gene Pimentel

Gene has been in the Internet Marketing world since 1996. Gene’s background is in offline marketing, advertising and sales. It all started back in 1986 when Gene created a small mail order publishing company, and in a short time his business was providing him with a full time income. Business expanded quickly as he began offering marketing related products and services via direct mail, with thousands of independent distributors eagerly promoting them.

Gene’s business gradually morphed into the online world, and eventually his business became entirely web-based. Today Gene’s business is multi-faceted, but he specializes in the Domain Name aftermarket and enjoys teaching other aspiring entrepreneurs to to duplicate his success in the domaining arena. Gene is a former member of the Advisory Team at one of the web’s premier domaining forums, NamePros.com. Gene offers domaining tips and advice via his website at DomainProfitsAcademy.com

Topic Title: Automated Profits with Video Domaining

Gene will be teaching his most powerful domain flipping system to date. Earn 1K A Day seminar attendees will be the very first to learn about this never-before released system. Tapping into the power of video, you will discover how to turn inexpensive hand-registered domain names into sizable streams of recurring monthly income. There has never been a more effective way for marketers with minimal knowledge and experience to succeed and profit with domain flipping.

Nicole Dean

Who is Nicole Dean?

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Friend
Business Consultant to Really Smart People
Author of Books & Speaker of Words
Helper of Orphans & Rescuer of Dogs
Eater of Good Foods (and her Veggies)
Belly Laugher & Heckuva Person to Know

Nicole Dean is the Mostly-Sane Marketer. (Ask anyone who knows her and they’ll say that the “mostly” part is up for debate!)

Her Mission: To Make the Web and the World a Better Place – and, Hopefully Have a Lot of Fun While Doing It.

Topic Title: The “Be” Attitudes of A Profitable and Happy You.

Making boatloads of money is a fantastic goal in business, but not at the expense of losing yourself or your dreams in the process. So, if you’re working insane hours, you don’t remember the last time you went on vacation, and your spouse is forgetting what you look like, you need to listen to this heart to heart talk by Nicole Dean. Full of practical advice, productivity tips, and solid reminders, you’re guaranteed a butt-kicking (with love) that will stick with you well after the event ends.

Matson Magleby

Matson has been a frequent attendee to our seminars, so if you’ve been with us before you probably have already met him.

What you may not know is that Matson has become one of the top sellers in Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) program, to the tune of over $50,000 monthly income.

When I heard that recently, I asked Matson to share his methods with us.

Topic Title: Earning 1K a Day Selling Physical Products

My journey to earning 1 K a day. How I started with no money and grew my business to 6 figures a month in less than a year. Why selling physical products with FBA is waaay easier than selling digital products.

Amy Harrop and Debbie Drum

Amy has been an avid writer and reader all of her life. With a diverse background in film production, writing, sales, teaching and training, she loves creating and helping others do the same!

As a  Marketer, Author, and Content Publisher, Amy loves helping people create multiple content income streams. She currently lives with her husband and cats in Northern Idaho.

In 2010, Deborah Drum brought her skills from offline marketing to online marketing.  She learned all aspects to be a successful online marketer such as: SEO, blogging, video marketing, social media marketing and book publishing and was able to quit her day job and go full time online as of January 2013.

Debbie believes that all internet marketers should be self published.  There are many ways to make money with book publishing and many components to be successful doing it.

Debbie loves teaching others all aspects of book publishing and marketing content.

Success in Internet Marketing: What The Gurus Don’t Tell You

Amy and Deb are going to be talking about beyond the beginner stage of Internet Marketing and what one needs to do to sustain success. These are the insider secrets and aspects of the business that “the gurus” don’t really tell you when they say that anyone can make money online. Questions like “What do you do next after your first successful product?” “How do you maintain an income stream?” “What needs to be done on a daily basis for continued success?” “What should your daily life look like if you are full time?”….and more!

These are the hard rules and strategies we learned along the way and we are excited to share it with the group!

Kelly McCausey

I’m a full time solopreneur and variety is the ‘spice of business’ for me. I blog, podcast, design, partner, create information products, run a membership site, hold live retreats and coach others to get where they want to be in an online business.

In 2013 I hit my first ‘Six Figure Business’ year. The best part of reaching this goal was knowing I worked less, played more and felt more fulfilled than ever.

Topic Title: There Is No Time Like Now

Online marketing is not a world that responds well to endless preparation and study. Rather, it loves action! I will share why now is the time to take your message, expertise, products and services to your market. Since our biggest fear is failure, I’ll also share secrets that successful marketers use to overcome self sabotage and achieve results.

Zane and Van Miller

Zane has a knack for being ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing with video. It started with YouTube six years ago, before most in internet marketing caught on to how powerful this site could be for marketing. Now Zane is constantly referred to as the YouTube Expert or Guru. The guy just knows his stuff. Fast Forward to today and his knowledge base has expanded to include such tools as Google Hangouts, Google+, and AdWords. The combination of this knowledge makes Zane one of the best people to work with when it comes to marketing through video and Google.

Van is a jack of all trades when it comes to video, animation, graphics, and whatever is needed to get done. He has been involved graphically in various industries such as: video games, marketing, education, medical, and a few low, low, budget movies. He has been working successfully from home for the last 2 years, while also being a stay-at-home Dad. A job that is not for the weak willed. The planets aligned and the opportunity arose to have Van join his brother in a new adventure in Internet Marketing.

Topic Title: How You can Harness The Power of G-Tron

YouTube, Hangouts, Google+, and Adwords are some of the most powerful tools marketers can use today. Unfortunately each one of these platforms can be difficult to understand on their own.

Zane and Van have found a way of leveraging all of these in an effective way for business online and offline.

Dr. Jeanette Cates

Dr. Jeanette Cates is a familiar name to many in the online marketing community. But she is a newcomer to the book marketing world with her first three series of books published in the past ten months.

Prior to building her thriving online business, she was a pioneer in the online learning industry. This experience, combined with her degree in Instructional Design, gave her the ability to quickly transform any type of information into effective courses and products.

For the past 15 years, Jeanette has specialized in helping individual experts share their message online. Her ability to explain complex topics in an easy to understand manner has earned her the title of “The Technology Tamer.” As a prolific product creator herself, she offers more than 50 active products and courses online.

In the past year, Jeanette has turned her efforts into sharing her knowledge and expertise through books and related products, as she reorients her business in a new direction.

Topic Title: Book Publishing Myths That Are Costing You Money

For the past few years, book publishing, particularly on the Kindle platform, has been all the rage. But with a lot of hype comes a lot of myths and bad information. Jeanette will help you sort through the confusion and get you started on the path to a profitable business model for your book publishing empire – even if you don’t have your first book written!

Speaker list subject to change, but everyone listed above has confirmed. More top speakers have been invited to appear on stage.

As you can see, we did our best to give you a top-notch lineup of speakers who are SURE to help you succeed.

…All This In Fabulous Las Vegas!
June 27-29 At The Tuscany Hotel

The 2014 Earn1KADay Seminar is going to be in the same hotel we had it last year (people LOVED it!) – the Tuscany. The rooms here are HUGE (625 square foot suites, minimum!), have tons of plush amenities, is right near the Las Vegas strip, is right near the airport and local attractions, and the rooms are CHEAP.

Even though the rooms are amongst the best I’ve been in, the rates at this hotel are unbelievable. You’ll pay less than $100 every night – even though you’re in prime location.

Although you’ll be getting a ton of money-making information and connections from the seminar, you may even decide to tack on some extra time to take in some of Las Vegas’ incredible shows, musicals, or gambling!

Of course, first you want to make sure that you’ll be able to afford this stuff – which is why you’ll want to invest in this seminar. ;) Your experience here will definitely help you pay for anything you spend, and much more, when you put it into action.


A Word Of Warning Though:
There Are Limited Spots Available.

Because so many people LOVED the Tuscany, we wanted to have it there again.

But the room we booked doesn’t have unlimited space, so we have to limit the seating here to “first come, first served”. Hint: that means fewer than 100 people will be able to attend.

Besides, we wanted to make sure we didn’t have TOO many people so that we could have intimate conversations and give you time for your most pressing questions.

And while this helps us have the best event possible – we know that we’re going to have to probably shut some people out.

If you have the intuition that this is for you, we highly encourage you to act on it… quickly. Because if you come back later and tickets are sold out, we’ll have to apologize and turn you away.

And now you might be wondering -

“So, What’s The Investment?”

I’m sure you can tell by now, but we do our absolute best to make this as great as possible for everyone.

That’s why, even though we give you at LEAST 10x the content as those $2000 pitch-fests…. we don’t go ANYWHERE near that.

We want this to be accessible for you and did our best to give you every reason in the world to say “YES!”!

BONUS 1: On Friday, June 27th, everyone gathers for an informal mastermind day. This day will be highly flexible and made up of whatever you want – we start out by introducing ourselves to each other and talking about we do and what we need.  Then we can do hot seats for your business, breakout sessions where we sit with a few people at a table and really dig in deep to your business, or anything else.  We totally immerse ourselves in this mastermind, including a group lunch which is provided at no extra charge.

BONUS 2: You’re invited to a complimentary Friday night “meet and greet” session where most of the speakers and attendees will gather in a beautiful ballroom at the hotel for 4 hours (or more) of networking. Snacks and beverages will be served, I guarantee you’re going to walk away from this event so pumped up, with a lot of new friends.

Be sure to reserve your seat now, but due to the limited room, and the fact that we have to prepay the hotel for catering and other charges, refunds are available only if requested more than 30 days before the start of the event. Within 30 days of the event, it becomes nonrefundable.

“What A Deal!”

As you can see, the prices here are EXTREMELY inexpensive, especially considering the quality of the speakers, and the very, VERY limited seating. And keep in mind, this is not your typical pitchfest Internet marketing event, our speakers have been told to deliver nothing but top notch content, and plenty of it.

Where else can you get laser-coaching, top notch content, in-person networking from some of the greatest minds, and a LOT more… without pitches… for less than $500?

The value here is absolutely overwhelming… and we’re looking forward to seeing you there.

We’ve done everything we could to make this an absolute no-brainer for you.

Here’s What To Do Now:

Go ahead and sign up now.

This way you’ll secure your spot and rest assured that you’re definitely in.

If you scroll down, you’ll see the registration box that will allow you to reserve your spot. Now I want you to click on the big “Add To Cart” button, fill out the form on the next page and book your hotel room and plane tickets once the confirmation arrives in your inbox.

We’re serious… do it now:

For All 3 Days:


Dennis Becker

P.S. If you’ve read this far and you’re still considering it, there’s no reason for you not to sign up right now. There’s a limited number of spots available and many of those are already spoken for. So go ahead and sign up now!


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